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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/02/23 God the Metalsmith Coulter Wickerham Sermon Language of Salvation Sun PM NE_God_Metalsmith_7_2_23_PM.pptx NE_God_Metalsmith_7_2_23_PM.pdf God_the_Metalsmith_7_2_23_PM_CW.mp3
07/02/23 Introduction to Ephesians Coulter Wickerham Sermon Ephesians Sun AM Intro_to_Ephesians_7_2_23_AM_CW.mp3 Intro_to_Ephesians_Pt_1_7_2_23_AM.pdf Intro_to_Ephesians_Pt_1_7_2_23_AM.pptx
06/25/23 Seek Peace Coulter Wickerham Sermon N/A Sun PM Seek_Peace_6_25_23_PM.pptx Seek_Peace_6_25_23_PM.pdf Seek_Peace_6_25_23_PM_Coulter_Wickerham.mp3
06/25/23 God and the Trees Coulter Wickerham Sermon Language of Salvation Sun AM God_and_The_Trees_6_25_23_AM.pptx God_and_The_Trees_6_25_23_AM.pdf God_and_the_Trees_6_25_23_AM.mp3
06/18/23 Put On Kevin Fox Sermon N/A Sun PM Put_On.pptx Put_On_6_18_23_PM_Kevin_Fox.mp3 Put_On.pdf
06/18/23 Gratitude Derek Abeyta Sermon N/A Sun AM Gratitude.pptx Gratitude.pdf Gratitude_6_18_2023_AM_Derek_Abeyta.mp3
06/11/23 Parable of the Ten Virgins Tim Jensen Sermon N/A Sun AM Parable_of_the_Ten_Virgins__Tim_Jensen_6_11_2023_AM_.pptx Parable_of_the_Ten_Virgins__Tim_Jensen_6_11_2023_AM_.pdf Parable_of_the_Ten_Virgins_6_11_2023_AM_Tim_Jensen.mp3
06/04/23 My Grace Is Sufficient For You Gardner Hall Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting My_Grace_Is_Sufficient_For_You_6_4_23_PM.mp3 6_My_Grace_Is_Sufficient_for_You_.pptx 6_My_Grace_Is_Sufficient_for_You_.pdf
06/04/23 Giver or Taker? Gardner Hall Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 5_Giver_or_Taker.pptx 5_Giver_or_Taker.pdf 5_Giver_or_Taker.mp3
06/04/23 Scars Gardner Hall Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 4_Scars.pptx 4_Scars.pdf 4_Scars_6_4_23_Class.mp3
06/03/23 Who's The Enemy? Gardner Hall Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 3_Whos_the_Enemy.pptx 3_Whos_the_Enemy.pdf 3_Whos_the_Enemy.mp3
06/02/23 Conviction vs Mercy Gardner Hall Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 2_Convictions_vs_Mercy.pptx 2_Convictions_vs_Mercy.mp3
06/01/23 Two Dangerous Philosophies Gardner Hall Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 1_Two_Dangerous_Philosophies.pptx 1_Two_Dangerous_Philosophies.mp3
05/28/23 Romans 16 Coulter Wickerham Sermon N/A Sun PM Romans_16_Sermon_5_28_23_PM.pptx 5_28_23_PM.mp3
05/28/23 Ruth Overview Coulter Wickerham Sermon N/A Sun AM NE_Ruth_Overview_5_28_23_AM.pptx 5_28_23_AM.mp3
05/21/23 Concerns at Corinth Paul Finney Sermon N/A Sun PM Concerns_at_Corinth.pptx 5_21_2023_PM.mp3
05/21/23 The Mystery - Are You Saved? Gerald Ray Sermon N/A Sun AM 5_21_2023_Are_You_Saved__Gerald_Ray.mp3 5_21_23_AM_Am_I_Saved__Gerald_Ray.pptx
05/14/23 Celebrating Joy Coulter Wickerham Sermon N/A Sun AM Celebrating_Joy_5_14_23_AM.pptx 5_14_2023_AM.mp3
05/07/23 Training For Righteousness Coulter Wickerham Sermon N/A Sun PM Training_For_Righteousness5_7_23_PM.pptx 5_7_2023_PM.mp3
05/07/23 Philippians Coulter Wickerham Sermon N/A Sun AM Philippians_NE_5_7_23_AM.pptx 5_7_2023_AM.mp3
04/30/23 Law of Discipleship - Bearing Your Cross Michael Campos Sermon N/A Sun PM Law_of_Discipleship_-_Bearing_your_Cross.pptx 4_30_2023_PM.mp3
04/30/23 Differences and First Principles Coulter Wickerham Sermon First Principles Sun AM Differences_and_1st_Principles.pptx 4_30_2023_AM.mp3
04/23/23 First Principles and Tithing Herbs Coulter Wickerham Sermon First Principles Sun AM 4_23_2023_AM.mp3 1st_Principles__Tithing_Herbs_4_23_2023_AM.pptx
04/23/23 Why Suffering? Coulter Wickerham Sermon Evidences Sun PM Why_Suffering_NE.pptx 4_23_2023_PM.mp3
04/16/23 First Principles of Communication Coulter Wickerham Sermon First Principles Sun AM 1st_Principles_of_Communication_4_16_2023_AM.pptx 4_16_2023_AM.mp3

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